I only saw this no-talent assclown of a movie, because it had several Oscar noms and I had to see for myself how many balls Emily Blunt sucked on in order to steal the BAFTA Orange Rising Star award away from my way-more-deserving, Cillian Murphy. And as far as Meryl Streep's performance goes in this movie, she made her Madelyn Ashton-Death Becomes Her performance look like ...Sophie's Choice. She is way better than this movie and her performance seemed nothing more than just a ho-hum, going through the motions for a paycheck. Thats all.
The movie was boring, lifeless, un-funny, not cute, poorly written, predictable, shallow, and annoying. The annoying part comes from the main character, whatsername. (The alleged victim in this whole Prada-wearing Devil situation.) What a whiny, unprofessional bitch. I was on Meryl's side the whole time. This mousy cry-baby loser did nothing but feel sorry for herself and how she is "treated" by her boss and all this crap she has to go through with her job and we as an audience are supposed to be rooting for her to do something competent so she can finally get the pat on the back she thinks she deserves from this too-busy-to-be-polite boss of hers. WEll, BOO-fucking-HOO. If this chick was on the Apprentice, Donald would have fired her first. I wouldnt have hired her in the first place. She didnt even know anything about the company or what they did when she interviewed for the job. Her boss wasn't evil. She was pretty much what I would expect from anyone in her high-powered position with such a company in such an industry. Like the Wolf in Pulp Fiction. He wasn't mean. "I'm not here to say please, I'm here to tell you what to do. I think fast, I talk fast, I need you guys to act fast." Thats all there was to this "Devil" boss. If you can't deal with it and do your damn assistant job, why dont you get the hell out?
AGH. I cant believe this movie was even mentioned in the Oscars with a straight face. Not only was it not a good movie, AT ALL, it was probably one of the worst movies I have seen all year. To nominate any part of this film (except maybe the costume design), is just laughable. It just has to be part of some sick...tastless joke. If anybody would have actually won anything, I probably would have burst into flames.
If you thought the preview of this movie looked interesting and thought about seeing it, DONT WASTE YOUR TIME. Life is short. If you like this sort of thing, I would recommend going back to Sex and the City Season 4 and watching the 'A Vogue Idea' episode. Its the same plot only written way better, more believable, its got the intimidating she-boss, the awkward interview, the desperate-for-a-job writer who struggles to please the she-boss, real human character to the characters, and laugh out loud dialog and events. All that you would hope for from TDWP, all under an hour and you save yourself the disappointment and agony, (not to mention time) of suffering this miserable, festering turd of a movie The Devil Wears Prada.