ON THE EDGE (Cillian Murphy movie marathon dayyyy...seven, I think)
As many drool-inducing scenes this movie has of Cillian, I would say this movie is the kind of movie you watch and enjoy once....maybe twice. Its a cute little story of a young (and hot) man who just lost his father to alcoholism after already losing a mother, and with all those crazy teen hormones swimming around in him, he is just having a really rough time dealing with everything. He acts out, attempts suicide, he knows he doesn't feel quite right so he tries to help his situation by checking into a psychiatric therapeutic rehabilitation center in the suicide group. He messes around with everyone, still acting out, not knowing quite how to express himself, meets another suicidal crazy girl and in the end, realizes he doesn't belong there since he's not really crazy. Just confused. Thats basically the gist of it. In short form.
If you can be patient enough to forget any kind of plot (cause this film doesn't really have much of one) and just sort of ..be there with this character, the movie is pretty good. If you are looking for a series of interesting events and plot-turns, this movie will go nowhere for you and you might think it sucks. However, there is a certain charming, almost-Zach Braff-ish element that is present throughout the movie that lightens up the darkness of the situation and you even laugh out loud at some of it.
I really did like this movie though, and would like to share everything about this film that I enjoyed and stuck with me.
At the start of this film, one of the first things you see is Cillian on a bike, making a dopey hat look sexy, and coasting down the road to one of the coolest Smashing Pumpkins songs of all time. Already I am loving this movie. THEN, at some point he's driving a car and he drives off a cliff and tumbles down in aim for death. (wha? NOOOO! He can't die!) Well, after crashing his car off a cliff into the steep, rough, sharp rocks...he LIVES! (Inconceivable!) He survives the crash with only a broken baby finger. I love this guy.
So he checks into the group home/psych ward. He is taken in by the main suicide therapist, who else but Dr. Steven Rea. I swear, this guy is in all the irish movies. And I thought all he was was a good evil vampire and a loving man who takes a wrong turn into Girlswithweiners-ville. I've been seeing a lot of him and I like him more now thanks to all these irish films. He's great. ANYWAY, Cillian is moping around the psych ward, trying to get used to the idea, he goes to the window and this lady comes out of nowhere and starts telling him the worst cat story I've ever heard until Dr. Steven comes out and tells him he's not allowed street clothes. PJs only. Thems the rules. The only PJs they could find him, poor baby, are ratty, dorky, child-size PJs way too small for him. (and yet, he still manages to look sexy.)
He approaches a girl and calls her "cute" and for some wacked out reason, she finds this a good reason to start smacking him a bunch of times in the face. (He's bleeding, poor guy, she deserves the same for damaging those perfect lips, I was mad at this point.) Then there is some psycho scene in the bathroom where they ...ehm, make out?..(thats not how I would do it but whatever). She was cutting herself and he was still bleeding. I think she gets off on blood. What a psycho.
The movie has a really good soundtrack. The psych rehab reminded me a lot of the marriage retreat we went to last summer. I think I even said that when we were there, I was like "This reminds me of rehab". Anyway, Cillian is still in his acting out phase and starts acting all messed up to everyone including Doc. After making friends with the Joshua Jackson character who you might remember from the teen BOP magazines back in the day, also has an obviously faked irish accent that constantly distracted me. So he and Cillian sneak out to a bar. They get in a bar fight when some dude spills his drink on them. Cillian goes all alpha male. Such a badass.
At some other point after, there is an awkward dryhump scene with that crazy blood girl. You see Cillian with his shirt off. Freckles on the back, nothing wrong with that. I wanted to lick the tv. The blood girl was too bossy with him though. If it was me, I would have been nothing but tender. He's in a hospital so he's sensitive and fragile. I would have kissed him all over and made sweet quickie love to him. I wouldnt' bleed all over him like a psycho. Ew.
Steven Rea is always awesome. He has curly hair and I noticed he kind of looked like an irish Starsky in this movie. It was cute. Speaking of cute, moving forward in cinematic events, Cillian is still attempting to date the crazy blood girl or be her friend or something. In attempt to keep things clean fun, he asks her if she wanted to get some ice creams. You see, he has this way of making something like "getting icecreams" sound like the sexiest thing in the world. I was convinced that getting icecreams was the best date ever and I dont know why I ever bothered with this silly dinner-movie concept. My next date is going to be getting icecreams, I promise.
There was another scene where all the crazies in Cillian's group get to go bowling. In that scene, I wanted to be the gum in Cillian's mouth during that whole scene. Besides that, it was just a strange scene. I think there is another crazy fight that breaks out. Good times.
Ok. Then there is this scene towards the end that just sucked. Cillian's out with the blood girl and he's being friendly. He leans in to kiss her and everything. She doesn't give him much love back...cause she's fucking crazy. The dialog went like this: Cillian: "Why wont you kiss me?" and Blood Girl: "I am." Ehh. No, you're not. When you have a Cillian coming in to attach himself to your lips, you don't just sit there like a dead fish...you pull him in, with your fingers through his hair, and you KISS him passionately and forever. Thats what you are supposed to do. Thats what I would do. And that thing with the ending, when you are finally out getting icecreams as Cilly promised, you dont cry into your vanilla cone. What do you have to cry about when you are out getting icecreams with Cillian? Nothing. The answer is nothing. Nothing to cry about because its an amazing experience that not a lot of people get in their lifetime. You're not supposed to cry, you're supposed to savor every moment with a big vanilla smile frozen on your face. Whatever, she doesn't deserve him.
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