This movie had a few minor flaws but overall I thought this movie was pretty great. It was chock full of Duchovny-ness and you get to see a more real, natural side of him in this film as if he ad libbed a lot for his character or something. I loved him in this movie. I also very much loved Billy Crudup in this film as well. They were both hilarious and even though they were a couple of man-boy fuck-ups in their adult relationships, you were still on their side and rooting for them throughout the movie.
Basically, Trust the Man is about 2 couples. David Duchovny (Tom) is a couple with Julianne Moore (Can't remember her character's name) and Billy Crudup (character's name escapes me)is a couple with Maggie Gyllenhaal (drawing a blank on her character's name). Anyway, Tom is J.M.'s husband with a healthy sexual appetite and can't seem to get enough sex out of his wife. He is reaching that vulnerable mid-life crisis time and gets along great enough with his life and family but starting to feel a little lost. Then there is B.C., who is neurotic and awkward but sincerely in love with M.G. but she's pissed because she has been waiting and waiting for him to get serious and she wants to get married and have babies like, now. He's just minding himself along and getting along with her and she vents to him what she feels (to have babies and get married) and then kicks him out of her life for not being able to read her mind. Really, it seemed like she barely hinted at her needs right before she dumped him. He didn't really have time to let that thought sink in and have his own reaction. She was kind of nuts.
So, Tom gets lured into an extramarital affair to satisfy his sexual needs and feeling bad about it, he seeks help with a sex addicts group. It brings up real situations and believable problems but I was laughing pretty much through the whole thing. I found it to be hilarious.
David Duchovny, of course, was my motivation for seeing this film and also my favorite part. Even though its been a while since I've seen him in anything new, he hasn't aged a bit. Still adorable with those soft, heavenly brown eyes. Ruggedly handsome and every bit of sexy as I remember. Just...perfection. I about exploded when he went into how sexually frustrated he was in the movie. I probably don't even need to say that if he married me, he wouldn't be concerned with such things. He would be more concerned with keeping himself hydrated and when or if I'm ever going to get tired, maybe a little concern towards losing sleep and how he's going to get any work done because he would have been what you call, 'sexually exhausted'. I would give him all the sex he could handle and then some. A little afternoon delight on his lunch hour, a Sunday morning sex coma. Then you can bet he wouldn't be having any affairs, he would not only be satisfied but he would be all sexed out. I think being married to him, you would pretty much have to just stop wearing panties. Not in any gross Britney spears way or anything, just in a way only he could tell.
And when he was making up that story to the sex addicts group about deli-meat sex, I have never wanted deli-meat so bad in my life. Thanks to that, my mind will now sink to the gutter every time I pass the deli section of my neighborhood grocery store. Curious to what I'm talking about? See the movie. Watching him eat a sandwich is ecstasy.
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