Saturday, January 6, 2007

Inaugural Post - inception of an us blog and movie-tracker

Greetings and welcome to Casino Royale with Cheese - a blog created solely for the purpose of two people (a couple) to communicate and keep track of movies watched and other life events in an easy-to-access-from-anywhere format of 'blog.' As I prepare to launch CRwC there are still many unanswered questions about what the eventual finished product will look like. For one- I am unsure of whom to address when writing this since the only intended target audience is *you* yet the open nature of the Internet-published blog is such that any random person with an Internet connection could happen upon this. So should this be written to any and all potential readers? Should we take care to eschew proper first names in the interest of privacy (even though it is highly unlikely that any consequence could arise from it) ? Or should I speak directly to you as I would in an email or letter?

This and other questions will, I assume, be worked out in due time as we grow accustomed to this new experiment in marital communication. I am hoping that this will be a bigger, better version of the pale-blue notebook we once used as a back-and-forth journal years ago. In particular, I thought it would be fun to keep track of movies we watched and post mini-reviews of them (the same could be accomplished in IMDB, and maybe that is worth a look if this turns out well, but for now I am not sure I want to be one of those people).

Ideas, memories, movies, thoughts, etc. Things we want to remember or keep track of and look back on fondly in the future. An opportunity to drop in on the other and say 'hello' or leave a pleasant surprise for you when you start your day. Think of it like a brand new fresh notebook. I know you have the MySpace, but this is to be more intimate, private, and *us* then that. It should go without saying that in the interest of privacy I would appreciate it if no one knew of it's existence but you. That way we can feel free to express ourselves and say whatever we want.

Also, if anyone should happen to come by here while randomly checking out blogs - I would be interested in knowing of your existence. A comment saying you were here or that you read this would be very interesting and appreciated, since I don't expect anyone but us to be here. If you have any thoughts or impressions to share that would be great too. Thanks mystery-guest of the future who may or may not exist.

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