I agree that this movie was better for me the first time I saw it in the theater. Seeing it a second time, I felt the whole beginning training part was long enough to be its own movie. It explained things for the rest of the movie but it was hard for me to sit through for so long while they did that whole back-story thing.
I also agree that the breathy Batman voice was a little lame but it was also mildly amusing. As Bruce Wayne, all I could think about was Patrick Bateman quotes. The Bruce Wayne scenes totally took me back to American Psycho and it kind of took me out of the movie for a minute because in a way, the two Bale roles are very similar. Both characters putting on a phony facade in social situations for the sake of fitting in and masking the tortured soul within them. ("I have to return some videotapes") Overall, I liked Christian Bale as Batman. I'm looking forward to the next episode of Batman-y goodness.
I thought Katie Holmes was forgettable and I liked Liam Neeson even if he was a little evil and had that mustache.
As for our Cillian Murphy, I thought he nailed his part something brilliant. He's got the creepy thing down. Calm, articulate,EVIL! I was totally mesmerized during his scenes with equal parts creep and totally dreamy with a dash of sexy. I'm hooked now. He plays evil so well, you would think he would get type-cast but he wont be cause he's such a brilliant and versatile actor. I love him. I just love him.
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